Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I have the honor and privilege to invite you to attend the Joint 7th AOHUPO Congress and 9th International Symposium of the Protein Society of Thailand (7th AOHUPO/9th PST), which will be held at the Miracle Grand Convention Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand during 6-8 August, 2014.
The 7th AOHUPO/9th PST will focus on vast areas of protein and life science research. The program will include Plenary Lectures by Nobel Laureate, some 30 Invited Speakers from overseas, and 10-15 leading Thai researchers. There will be Poster Sessions for registered participants, and exhibition of companies whose products are relevant to protein research. We anticipate that there will be 500-600 participants in this meeting, and are confident that you will enjoy the Scientific Program that we are developing.
I therefore would like to invite you to join the 7th AOHUPO/9th PST and look forward to welcome you all in Bangkok in 2014.
Sincerely yours,
Professor M.R. Jisnuson Svasti
President, The Protein Society of Thailand